Ideal Protein Results Presented at Cleveland Clinic and National Obesity Conferences
Findings Show Safe, Rapid Weight Loss and Lower Risk Factors for Heart Disease, Diabetes with the Ideal Protein Protocol
Gatineau, QC. (December 1, 2014) - Findings of an analysis of 233 patients on the Ideal Protein protocol over 12 weeks were presented recently at the
9th Annual Obesity Summit at the Cleveland Clinic, and at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the
National Obesity Society. The results show safe, rapid weight loss, and the reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Ideal Protein is a scientifically researched solution to safe weight loss with a four-stage, low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet. Currently more than 3,000 medical practitioners in the U.S. and Canada offer the Ideal Protein protocol to their patients to lose weight and reverse metabolic syndrome – the cluster of conditions that are pre-cursors to heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
“These findings are consistent with what we are seeing in our clinics with the Ideal Protein program, and it is gratifying to see these results validated by the scientific analysis of the data. The findings demonstrate that there is consistent weight loss, as well as improved lipid profiles for cholesterol balance and the reduction of other risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke,” said Dr. Tim Logemann, MD, the cardiologist who led the study. “As a cardiologist, I am always looking for ways to help my patients get healthier, improve their lipid profiles and reduce the risk of heart disease. The Ideal Protein protocol is a major tool that will help us accomplish these goals.”
“Our society is in the middle of an obesity epidemic, with skyrocketing rates of diabetes and heart disease – both of which are associated with obesity,” said Olivier Benloulou, president of Ideal Protein. “That’s why the Ideal Protein protocol was developed. Thousands of healthcare professionals are telling us that not only are their patients losing weight safely, but that they are improving their lab results. These findings presented at two major research conferences provide the validation for these reports.”
The two poster presentations are entitled Effect of the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method on Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters and The Effect of a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet on Residual Dyslipidemia in Statin Treated Overweight Patients. Authors of the studies are Dr. Timothy Logemann, MD; David K. Murdock, MD, MS, FACC, FACP, FSCAI; Kelly O’Heron, RD and Adam Hoffmann.
Effect of the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method on Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters followed 233 patients for 12 weeks on the Ideal Protein protocol. The data showed that patients lost an average of almost two pounds a week. Their lab results showed lower cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and glucose readings during that time. The Ideal Protein protocol resulted in rapid weight loss and marked improvement in metabolic parameters in a short period of time.
The Effect of the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method on Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters
The Effect of a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet on Residual Dyslipidemia in Statin Treated OverweightPatients followed 36 patients on the Ideal Protein protocol who were on statin therapy and who had residual dyslipidemias (imbalance of lipids and/or high cholesterol). Total cholesterol, non-HDLC and triglycerides all dropped, especially triglycerides which were reduced from 214 to 90. The Ideal Protein protocol showed a powerful effect on lipid abnormalities and can significantly improve the residual dyslipidemia in statin treated patients.
The Effect of a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet on Residual Dyslipidemia in Statin Treated Overweight Patients
“Dr. Logemann’s results and their acceptance at such prestigious conferences is gratifying recognition of Ideal Protein’s ability to achieve safe, rapid weight loss and improve the patient’s health profile,” said Olivier Benloulou. “We are now working with cardiologists, physicians and healthcare practitioners throughout North America to bring this solution to more patients.”
Dr. Logemann commented, “While this was a relatively small study with exciting and encouraging results, we are looking forward to more research to further validate these findings.”