For the last couple of weeks now, I have been following a weight loss protocol. A very restricted one at that! Although, it is working out beautifully for me, my emotions have been going through quite the roller coaster ride… If you have ever followed a weight loss protocol yourself, you know exactly what I mean!
Losing weight is a struggle and anyone who tells you otherwise well, they are either lying or have extraordinary self-control. And good for them if they do! Unfortunately, we are not all so confident and ready to give up our favorite things in life. Let me tell you, I have had my share of ups and downs. Some days, I am so committed and love every minute of my journey but there are other days where I just want to quit and have slice of deep-dish pizza with some double chocolate chip cookies on the side! … The good news is: I am getting better at ignoring the temptations. I find that with time, they are slowly drifting away allowing me get closer and closer to my goal weight. 15 lbs down, 15 lbs to go! Never had I thought this journey of mine would be such a lengthy process and that it would require so much willpower. It’s all in the head though… I find myself craving things that I have never even really liked in the past… Weird! Right? But I guess, like many other things, we want what we can’t have.
In the end, I am so proud of my results and that I am finally achieving a goal that has been long over due. Just like many of you!
Recently, I came across this article by Jenny Sugar from PopSugar Fitness’ Healthy Living section where she quite accurately describes the many emotions that most women go through while losing weight. I would like to share these thoughts with you as I myself have experienced some of these exact thoughts! Take a look:
- Stepped on the scale: Diet starts today! No more excuses!
- But… I want to eat everything in sight!
- Nope, not that plain salad
- The brownie. The. Entire. Pan!
- Sometimes, I do…
- But, then I feel sad about it: Why did I eat so much food!?!
- But, tomorrow, I get a fresh start
- I curse my 6am alarm clock.
- But then, I remember how awesome it feels to break a good sweat
- Even though I secretly despise those “fit” girls at the gym
- Their determination is so inspirational though!
- I know that one day, I will look like that!
- But boy! Do I ever hate squats …
- My new butt looks great though!
- Too bad for my butt that I love eating & drinking just as much
- Stress makes me want to eat! Fun fact: Stressed is desserts spelled backwards
- Being happy also makes me want to eat
- Being bored too…
- What can I say? I love carbs!
- And Ice cream
- And anything deep fried served on a stick or smothered in chocolate or cheese
- Yep, always in the mood for food
- But, I stand firm and think about how hot I will look in my bikini this summer
- Or, how jealous my ex will be!
- Or, how healthy I will be for my kids!
- Yep, losing weight isn’t easy…
- But, feeling good in my new body makes it all so worthwhile
- So, I make spinach smoothies for breakfast
- Run instead of going to happy hour after work
- And, do some reps while watching Games Of Thrones
- It’s all about baby steps, But I’ve got my eye on the prize!